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Delivery and Availability of Services

Three primary delivery methods are associated with our services to any smart device connected to the internet.


  1. A daily email newsletter (aggregating content for the last 24 hours)

  2. A fully searchable white-labelled web-platform (updated hourly) Monday through to Sunday.

  3. RSS feed of the monitored coverage which can be used on intra- and extranets for public available media content.


Each user will have full access to every tracked media item through the newsletter and the white-labelled web-platform with export functionalities to excel for self-reporting.


The daily newsletters can be sent out at custom frequencies (daily on the hour; once a day/week/month; only weekdays etc.). We can also setup a 'to' and 'from' custom address to display your organisation domain and name with custom 'subject' lines when dispatching the alerts or when users replies on the notifications received.

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